
League of Dungeoneers

Created by Michael Lundstedt

We currently don't have shipping prices entered for physical rewards in BackerKit. We plan to wait until closer to fulfillment to enter & charge you for the physical items to get the most accurate/fair fulfillment prices. We will update backers after entering those shipping prices before we charge you in BackerKit. If you have any questions please click the "need help" on the preorder store page.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Status update and a preliminary info on shipping prices
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Nov 06, 2022 at 10:37:15 PM

Hi there,

Time for another update! Things are slowly but surely coming together, and we are now almost ready to enter production. Based on my feedback from the prototype, Gameland has been busy to update and fix the issues I noted. Today I also got some of the missing components and I’ve posted an unboxing of those items including a flip trough of the rulebook on the YouTube channel. Link below.

In the meantime, ShipQuest has been busy calculating the shipping cost and I got a first draft yesterday. I will get an updated one next week as there were a few things that needed correction. Once I get the final version, I want to lock everything down as soon as possible and charge everyone.

The reason behind this is that I want to start production in order to finish it before the Chinese New Year as the plant will be closed down a long time after that, leading to delays.

I realize that you might need time to get the money ready, and in order to maximize this time, I’m giving you an estimate here based on the draft I got today. Please note that these are not the final numbers, but they will give you a rough estimate. I’ll only list the main hubs as there are too many countries to list them here. The shipping within Europe is quite varied so you will see differences from the German numbers.

The prices are a bit higher than listed on the KS page as you will notice. The reason behind this is the financial situation of the world, the fact that the game ended up heavier than expected and the fact that corrugated cardboard for packaging is in short supply and therefore also expensive. Everything seems to be in short supply these days.

The price listed here is based on the All-in tier.

UK 23€

US 45€

Germany 25€

Australia 47€

Canada 54€

If you have ordered lots of other stuff, it might become more expensive based on weight (but not necessarily as there are certain thresholds). Of course I wish I could provide better prices, but this is where we’re at and in the end, it is 13kg of gaming goodness.

I’ll let you know when the final numbers are in, but expect the cards to be charged in the middle of November.

Have a nice weekend and don’t forget to watch the latest video:

Unboxing part II and flip through of rulebook 



A first delivery!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Oct 27, 2022 at 07:07:56 AM

Hi there,

It’s been a while and it's time for a new update on the project (good use of my lunch break :) ). I guess most of you have seen the unboxing of the prototype on YouTube so you know that the product is in a very good state. But as expected, there were some issues and there were a few parts missing. The missing parts are on the way over and I expect them at my doorstep at the beginning of next week. The other issues (misprints etc.) have been corrected by Gameland.

That means that the product is ready for production! (unless I find some minor issues with the parts coming next week). That’s a major milestone! The one thing holding us back right now is the shipping quotation and the hub volumes. There is a common practice to ship extra components to all hubs in case of things breaking during transport etc. The amount needed is decided by the fulfillment company so I’m currently chasing ShipQuest about both the quotation and these volumes.

While waiting for this I’ve been busy with other parts of the project.  For instance, there is a lot of uninteresting administrative work with customs documents that's kept me busy more than a few evenings.

Then there is luckily some interesting work as well, and the posters for the Limited edition backers is one good example. For logistic reasons I decided to print these locally, and they will be sent to these backers tomorrow! For those who don’t know, the Limited Ed backers got to design a mercenary that would be included in the Companions expansion. Based on their description, Diego and Kevin then designed the standees for those characters. We’ve now made A3 posters of those characters to be sent to their creators. I dare say it’s a bit of a milestone too...after all it's the first physical delivery!

A3 posters of backer created characters. In this case Layla Staroak, former spymaster in the Kings army now turned mercenary. If you provide the coins, she provides her lethal skills.

I’ve also begun with the work needed to convert the Kickstarter version to a working version for those who purchased the previous Print and Play game. It does require quite a few hours of work but in the end it will be a product that can be used without cards.

Last but not least, the video tutorials will continue to come. It’s a bit of a challenge to record these as I live in an apartment with 3 kids, so there are few moments when it’s silent enough for recording. Rest assured, the next episode is not far off!

I’ll get back to you as soon as I know more about shipping, and I’ll also showcase the parts I get next week.

Take care!


Discord and communication plan
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 05, 2022 at 10:32:42 PM

Hi there,

I’ve been asked to create an official LoD server on Discord. We all have our own favorite social media platform or communication tool and I think it would be impossible to get all supporters of the game to unify behind one platform. We have a pretty large community on Facebook, but not everyone likes to use Facebook, and it’s not always the best platform for discussions etc. Therefore, I’ve decided to comply with the request and I have setup a Discord-server.

However, I also realize it might confuse people. With so many platforms, where will I find the information I’m looking for?

To ease your worries, I’d like to make the following clear:

All important official information regarding the game will ALWAYS be published as an update on the Kickstarter page (until the project closes in the far future). This should be considered the number one source of information and a one that you actually need to regularly check to secure the delivery of your game.

Apart from the KS page, we then have the following platforms to be used according to your preference:

Facebook group:

Discord server:




I plan to be active on all platforms and will try to answer any questions regardless of where they might pop up.


All orders now [really] unlocked
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 05, 2022 at 09:45:09 PM

Hi there backers! 

It has been a long time I havent post an update myself, but I've found out what the issue was and fixed it, every backer should be able to edit order and add stuff to it.

Furthermore, if you never completed your survey please reach out to us to get an other one sent to you.

If you still got any trouble please ask us !

See you all, and thanks again for your support and your kindness 👍

Steven Heide.

Orders unlocked
about 2 years ago – Tue, Oct 04, 2022 at 02:05:36 AM


Like I said before, there has been several requests to add items to orders but the orders were locked. I've managed to unlock the orders now so if you feel like it, go ahead and add stuff. I will keep the orders unlocked this week.
