
League of Dungeoneers

Created by Michael Lundstedt

We currently don't have shipping prices entered for physical rewards in BackerKit. We plan to wait until closer to fulfillment to enter & charge you for the physical items to get the most accurate/fair fulfillment prices. We will update backers after entering those shipping prices before we charge you in BackerKit. If you have any questions please click the "need help" on the preorder store page.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fulfilment, Quality and Webshop
over 1 year ago – Fri, May 26, 2023 at 10:09:53 AM


There are quite a few things to touch upon in this update.


First off, I’d like to talk about the fulfillment situation in the United States. All orders have now left the center! If you have not yet received your game, it can’t be far off. If you still have not received it by the beginning of next week, please contact me via the email mentioned below under quality and I’ll help investigate it.

Nothing drastic has happened with the shipping situation in the rest of the world. The boats are sailing towards their destination and the AUS one has made port. The UK games are waiting for their turn in the line at the fulfillment center. There are a few games ahead of LoD to be handled, and on top of that I suspect that the UK GamesExpo requires a part of the logistical capacity of the fulfillment company. Lots of games (not LoD) are being sent to the Expo. (We will be there too, but not to sell from this campaign)


Next step will be to handle the cases of broken or missing items reported. Since the last update, we’ve seen a slight increase in issues, but they are still on a very manageable level. Items that have been sold as addons will be rather quick to replace, whereas boxes, trays and items that were not sold separately will take a little longer. Please be patient and your replacement will show up. If you are missing items or some items shoved up are broken, please send an email to the address below. Mark it “Quality Issue”, as it will make it easier for me to prioritize those cases.

Webstore (US customers only)

With all booked games in the US delivered, we’ve gotten a grasp of the surplus situation. I’m happy to announce that there are a limited amount of games and extras available. These will be sold from my company webpage (link below), starting now.

Please note that delivery can only be done within the United States. As the other hubs finish their fulfillment, similar offers will be made available in other parts of the world.

These games and items are sold at retail price. The reason for this is two-fold. One reason is that we are now past the campaign, and the second and maybe more important reason is that there are stores selling the game and I have no interest in ruining their market in case they are not already sold out. As a matter of fact, if you can find the game in a game store, even online, I urge you to first and foremost order from them. They are crucial for our hobby and we should support them as much as possible.


The PDF of the rulebook is once again be available for sale, via the same webstore as the physical items. This is of course possible to purchase for customers from all over the world!

Quest template and competition

If you would like to make your own quests that looks similar to the original, I've uploaded the template to the games boardgamegeek page (link below). It might take a few days before it shows up. By sticking to a coherent style, it would be easy for gamers to get a good looking collection of extra quests. There is a note in the template that it's a fan quest, which I would prefer that you keep as it will make it easier in the future for people to distinguish official quests from community creations. 

Quests created with the template and uploaded to the file section on the boardgamegeek page before 1st of August 2023 will have a chance to take part in competition. Start the file title with "Quest" for easy identification. von Braus Publishing will decide which ones eligible to compete, based on how well the quest aligns with the games rules and setting. The backers of the reprint/expansion will then vote for the top 10 best quests. These 10 quests will be added to Quest Book III in the coming expansion. This instruction will be repeated in a file in the BGG file section. Just like the template, it has been uploaded but it might take a few days to show up.


Email for quality/logistics issues: [email protected]



That’s all for today. I wish you a nice weekend!


LoD update on shipping and quality
over 1 year ago – Tue, May 16, 2023 at 12:39:31 PM


Time for another update. Things are moving along with shipping and fulfillment. The US games are being delivered to backers, and we have around 300 US games still to deliver. UK games are at the fulfillment center, getting ready for delivery. The EU games are about half way on their boat trip. Australian games left harbour last weekend. Canadian games suffered a small setback as the pallet setup didn’t fit into the container and required a reorganization. Everything is in the container now however and the boat will depart on the 20th of May. Games for the Chinese hub will go by truck this week.

In other words, at the end of this week we have reached a small milestone when all games have finally left the manufacturer. The upside of this, apart from the games actually getting closer, is that there are fewer instances involved which makes communication easier.

I’d also like to touch upon component quality a bit. One big worry I’ve had in this project is the massive weight of the game and the strain it would put on the box. Now that we’ve seen some 1400 deliveries, I’m able to slowly paint a picture of the quality situation.

Of course this might change as we deliver more games but as a conclusion, I’m positively surprised and it seems the cat beds foam trays work very well. Of course, this is of little comfort to those who have received damaged items or are missing things. I believe I’ve been in contact with each and every one of those who have emailed me with issues. If not, please send an email to [email protected] with the header ‘Quality Issue’ and I will get back to you. It is not enough to post a comment in Discord, on Facebook, Boardgamegeek or here on Kickstarter. It’s simply impossible for me to keep track of all posts. I aim to solve any and all issues as soon as possible.

Last but not least, I’d like to once again invite you to our table at LinCon and the UK GamesExpo. A very good friend of mine, Martin, will be hosting at LinCon and I will be a UKGE (at least the 2 first days).

Stay safe!


Various Updates and PDF sale closing [No shipping update].
over 1 year ago – Fri, May 12, 2023 at 12:40:24 PM

Hi dear backers !

We have several things to share with you so please, stay awhile and listen !

  • First and foremost, we are closing the PDF sale right now, which mean you can no longer ask for a PDF copy of the rulebook. It might come back on our website at a later date before the reprint launch.

  •  Next, as you guys already saw, we started to send PDFs to everyone who bought it (including previous customers from the PNP era). To access it, please check your  emails and especially your spam folders. Anyhow the file can be found directly from your Backerkit account. First log into your Backerkit account , select League of Dungeoneers in your backed projects list, then click as follow:

 If you have any trouble feel free to ask for help.

We have seen several people waiting for a PDF they never bought. Remember the PDF was NOT included in any of the pledges. It is NOT Print and Play supported (except for returning customers) therefore you must own the physical game to be able to fully utilize it.

  • Then, with the first people receiving both their games and their PDFs comes the need to report missing/broken components, typos within the various books or ask for anything gameplay related. To report any typo stuff, please post them in the dedicated thread over the BGG page. To ask questions about the actual gameplay refer to this one. And then to report any missing or broken component go ahead and send an email to [email protected]

  • Finally, a word on the upcoming reprint and expansion launch. The  Gamefound preview page  is live ! You can follow it right now. Please note that the timer is a rough estimate. Of course, we WILL NOT launch until the vast majority of the backers received their games from this Kickstarter campaign ! We want everyone to have a grasp about how the game plays before launch.

A short announcement
over 1 year ago – Wed, May 03, 2023 at 12:56:54 PM


This is more of an announcement than an update. Those who have been actively following this project know that I’m normally quite active on the different forums when it comes to answering questions etc.

There is a good chance that a lot of US customers will get their hands on their game at the end of this week, and there will inevitably be some questions related to this. Unfortunately, I will be off grid until Monday, due to other responsibilities. That means I will be absent from the forums, and questions directed to me will have to wait a few days. It also means I won’t drop the PDF until I’m back. I’m sorry for this as the timing is really bad, but with Russia's aggression, there are other commitments that must be honoured just as much, if not more. Please be patient and spread this information to anyone who needs it.

Every time a see a picture of a delivered game I can't help but smile. This is a huge milestone for me and the project and I hope everyone who gets their game will be happy with it! I know that everyone outside the US is even more anxious to get some info on the progress of their games, but I will have to get back to this as well once I'm back. 

I’ve continued to upload files to boardgamegeek and this is where the FAQ and Errata will be found as soon as BGG approves it.


LoD update
over 1 year ago – Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 02:16:24 PM


Time for another update!


Things are moving along albeit slowly. The US orders have been waiting in line at the fulfillment center as they had to finish the delivery of another game before they could start with LoD. I expect things to start happening next week and orders with just the games box will probably be rather quick to process.

The UK orders should make port on tomorrow, but I have yet to receive confirmation that they are on time.

The EU orders have set sail towards Sweden, from where they will go by truck to Germany. The reason behind this detour is that I need to have a physical presence in the country where I import the games. Most Swedes might now wonder why I don’t drop off the Swedish games before transporting them to Germany (and back) and that is because itt would require a fulfillment center of its own to sort through everything. It would increase cost and lead time overall.

The shipments to the CAN, AUS and CHI hubs are still under procurement but I expect booking to be done late next week. 


I’ve begun uploading character sheets and other useful documents to I will keep on adding some documents during the coming weeks, including the FAQ/Errata. As the US games begin to arrive, the PDFs will be made availble to all (regardless of hub) who bought it as well. I will however be off-grid Wednesday - Sunday next week and I cannot promise it will happen before then as I might need to be on standby to provide support for downloads during the first days. 


At the end of May there is a Games Expo in Sweden called LinCon where von Braus Publishing will have a stand. I won’t be there myself, but my close friend Martin will be there and you will have a chance to look closer at the game if you drop by. We will also be present at the UK GamesExpo in Birmingham in the beginning of June. I will attend that one myself, at least for the first 2 days. You will have the chance to check out the game there as well, or you could just drop by for a chat. 

That's all for now. Stay safe!
