
League of Dungeoneers

Created by Michael Lundstedt

We currently don't have shipping prices entered for physical rewards in BackerKit. We plan to wait until closer to fulfillment to enter & charge you for the physical items to get the most accurate/fair fulfillment prices. We will update backers after entering those shipping prices before we charge you in BackerKit. If you have any questions please click the "need help" on the preorder store page.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Non-US shipping visible
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 11:38:48 PM


As a lot of you have noticed, the shipping for non-US backers is now available in BackerKit. There has been 1 odd case with shipping not showing up, so please let med know if this happens to you.  I will leave all orders open until 21st of November if you want to make any adjustments. After that, there will no refunds. Since the process took a bit longer than anticipated your cards won’t be charged until Dec 10th.

If you have requested an early charge via PM, your cards will be charged in about 24h from now. If you haven't requested this, but want to, then send me a PM.

I’ve received some questions if there is anything you as a backer need to do after shipping prices have been announced, and the short answer is no. I'll handle everything from here. However, it might be in your best interest to login into BackerKit and check how much your shipping is to make sure you have enough on the account on Dec 10th. If you don't have a BackerKit account, you can create one using the same email you used when ordering the game and your order will show up when you login.

The shipping is higher than expected at first as you might have figured out by now. I’ve already touched on this, but I’ll mention it again for those who don’t know. The game was calculated to weigh 9kg during the KS, but ended up at 13kg. That’s an increase of 44% and shipping is mainly dependent on weight. I relied on the weight calculations from the manufacturing company as my expertise in not in printing and the materials used for that. However, in the end, I’m the project manager and the final responsibility for this miscalculation is mine. It is something I will take with me to the evaluation of this project and if I decide to make another KS, I will make sure to avoid this pitfall. Another factor is that pricing and the general economy has not exactly evolved in our favour during the 10 months since the Kickstarter estimate was done which of course also affects shipping.

That said, you will still get very good value for your money and we are getting closer to fulfilment! The game in itself with all its components is very competitively priced compared to other games of this magnitude (and quite awesome if you ask me :D).



Shipping for non-US countries
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Nov 20, 2022 at 06:54:00 PM


The shipping for the non-US countries is now finally done and I have entered it into BackerKit. If you log into your account, you should be able to see it. 

As I promised before, I will offer a refund (65%) for 5 days for those who feel they cannot afford the shipping. From the 21/11 I will introduce a strict no-refund policy for non-US customers.

Those who have requested to be charged ASAP will be charged in 24h from now.

Meanwhile, we have carefully begun manufacturing some of the components to save some time. I’m still working on the US shipping and I will get back to you soon (and of course nothing of the above will affect US backers).

EDIT: For some reason, it seems the shipping is still not visible for you as a backer, even though I can see it when I view the pledges "as a backer". Whether its a delay or something else, I'll figure it out. Please hold on and be patient.



Shipping not showing
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Nov 20, 2022 at 06:53:39 PM

There appears to be something “behind the scenes” that must be done in order for the shipping to show up correctly. It seems only some will show for the moment. I’ve requested support from an Admin at BackerKit to fix this. I’m sorry for the confusion.


An unfortunate issue
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 05:40:17 AM

Hi there,

I’m sorry to say that we have run into some issues. Today I received the information from ShipQuest that the sub-supplier they had chosen in the US for our project was no longer an option. The exact reasons for this are unknown to me, but it has to do with a change of their business that no longer makes them available.

The alternative supplier currently available is way more expensive, even if their services might be better. With them we are looking at a US shipping cost at 75€ for an all-in pledge.

Naturally, I’m NOT satisfied with this, and we are looking at other solutions so please don’t panic. It is unfortunate as it will take some time, and time is a precious resource in the project at this point.

Please note that this only affects the US. I expect to add the shipping in BackerKit for the rest of the world on Friday.

You can be confident that I will do everything in my power to get the US shipping back on track, but don’t expect to see any result this week. I’ll let you know as soon as I know more.



An update on the update
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 07, 2022 at 04:29:45 AM

Hi again,

Decisions, decisions. That’s probably the hardest part with this project.

I’ve been thinking about the last update and the issue with a short preparation time for you as backers to setup for the payment. Its far from optimal. However, delaying the start of production is not an option. And to start the production, I need a final number of components to produce. One might think that I can overproduce some and worst case sell them later, but that’s not how things work out of a tax perspective. Selling things while they are in China and selling things once they are in the country where the customer lives is different and affects the taxes which makes things very complicated. At least for me as a one-man company. Overproduction will be almost pure loss for me. It’s one of those things I’ve picked up on this journey.

So, a fixed number it is, with each game already having a customer. At the same time, we are living in tough times financially with high inflation, gas prices and electricity bills. So, for many of us, money is more precious than ever.

I figured I can pay the down payment to start the production as it is right now, and delay charging of the cards for 30 days, starting today. However, since I still need a fixed number for production, I will have to limit refunds before that. The final cost for shipping will be added in BackerKit during next week, and 5 days after that I will introduce a strict no-refund policy. That will give you 5 days to figure out if you can afford it, and some 20 days more to arrange for the money in the account.

The backside of this decisions is of course that there are customers who wants to be charged ASAP to get it over with. Christmas is just around the corner. I’ve already received just as many requests for that as to delay it. And this decision will of course not be optimal for them. But I figure its system-wise easier for me to charge them individually, then doing it the other way around and excluding people from a “mass-charge”.

So, once the shipping is available in BackerKit (and I will make an update when it is), and you really want to/need to be charged, send me a PM with (with your BackerKit email included if you are a late backer) and I’ll arrange for your card to be charged ASAP. If you can live with the 30 days waiting, please do as I would have to do each transaction manually (could be hundreds or more…), but if you request it, I will of course help you.

So, as a conclusion:

- Cards will be charged 2022-12-06.

- Strict no-refund policy from 5 days after shipping has been entered into BackerKit.

- If you need me to charge you earlier, send me a PM via the KS platform (include email-address).

Let the discussions begin…but don’t forget to enjoy your Sunday 😊
