
League of Dungeoneers

Created by Michael Lundstedt

We currently don't have shipping prices entered for physical rewards in BackerKit. We plan to wait until closer to fulfillment to enter & charge you for the physical items to get the most accurate/fair fulfillment prices. We will update backers after entering those shipping prices before we charge you in BackerKit. If you have any questions please click the "need help" on the preorder store page.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Boxes galore!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Apr 14, 2023 at 07:45:22 AM


It's Friday so lets celebrate this with some goods news! The US boxes have reached their hub and are being unloaded and inspected as we speak.  Such a beautiful sight! :D

Have a nice weekend and stay safe!


The latest on LoD
over 1 year ago – Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 02:06:32 AM

Hi there,

I hope you all had a happy Easter, and that you could find some time for eggs and candy instead of impatiently walking back and forth waiting for the delivery guy. While you have been waiting, we have been making some progress, although things are moving quite slow. As you know, the games were finished well over 2 months ago, and a large portion is still stuck at the factory and in the process of preparing them for shipping. I did not in my wildest dream expect it to take this long and it has surely been the most frustrating part of the project as it is basically out of my hands. All I can do is act as a sort of catalyst and send emails asking about status updates. Meanwhile, the UK games are about 2 weeks from making harbour and the US games have been stuck in customs. Apparently, some paperwork issue caused a delay, but I have confirmation that they have been released now and will be picked up within 24 hours. 

I still don’t have a definite date for loading of the EU games but the quoting process is done so it should happen very soon. The hubs not mentioned here are still in the quoting process. I know most of you are asking yourself “how could this possibly take so long?”...and the short answer is that there is quite a lot of paperwork and 4 different parties involved (not counting me). Lots of communication going back and forth with time zones taking their toll as well.

So to summarize it all…there are no major issues, things are progressing, but it’s tediously slow going.

In the meantime, I will start posting some useful documents for the game over at BoardGameGeek in the coming days and weeks. Progress on the PnP and PDF has been good as well and I’m focusing on the technical aspect of providing the files.

As some of you might have noticed, the pre-launch page for the upcoming expansion and re-print of the game has gone live over at Gamefound. (Link below). I know that some find this frustrating, since the first games have not been delivered yet. So why launch the pre-launch page already? The simple answer to this is lead time.

As you obviously know (currently waiting for your orders to be delivered), a complete crowdfunding campaign takes a very long time from start to finish. The current campaign has been ongoing for over a year now, but that’s only counting from when the campaign launched. I spent around 9 months before that to gather followers. Even though I expect the next campaign to be much faster since the game has a lot of followers, the product is already developed and the expansion has moved into the test printing stage, I would not expect to see these boxes on someone’s table during 2023. That means you would still have to wait over 6 months for your expansion after you’ve got your core game. I would personally not like to wait much longer than that, but maybe I'm impatient.

Crowdfunding campaigns can be divided into a number of stages:

  1. Pre-campaign: Marketing and building hype.
  2. Actual campaign: The month when people decide whether to support the project or not.
  3. Finalizing the product. Most products are not 100% complete upon launch and stretch goals specifically might need extra work.
  4. Fulfilment. Shipping the stuff to the customers.

Stage 1 is extremely important for any campaign to succeed, and even if my first campaign was very successful and overshot its target by far, I’m in no way taking a second success for granted. When Gamefound offered to feature the game in their Gamefound Feast with free ads and a place in a newsletter with well over 110k subscribers, it was a no-brainer to accept. So in a way, the decision when to launch the pre-launch page was then a pretty simple one. It allows the campaign to start building the necessary momentum and by working in parallel with the current campaign we are shortening the lead time until you can get your hands on the expansion.

And as said before, the reprint does not in any way affect the delivery time of the first batch. The resources involved are not the same. All it does is reduce the waiting time for the expansion (should you feel like buying it) and the waiting time for those who missed out on the first campaign. I will also make sure that the vast majority will have received their game before the campaign actually launches.

Hopefully, I’ll get back to you quite soon with some good news on the shipping!

If you feel like it, hop over to the Gamefound page and take a look. Information about the expansion will be added to this page as we get closer to the release :)

 Gamefound page! 

Stay safe,


League of Dungeoneers project update
over 1 year ago – Mon, Apr 03, 2023 at 03:46:09 AM

Hi there,

It’s been about two weeks since the last update, so I’d like to shed some light on the status of the project.

As you know by now we are in the logistics part of the project. The games are being shipped from China to the respective hubs around the world. This work is quite sequential which means we are progressing at a slower pace than all of us would like. Lots of paperwork has to be done by the manufacturer, followed by quotation requests for shipping, followed by more paperwork and then, finally, the goods get loaded on the ship. Then there are more paperwork once they arrive. Unfortunately, these things can’t be done in parallel. We’ve also had to re-plan the EU route due to a new legislation which made the initial plan financially risky. That said, we are making progress every day. The US shipping (Canada not included) is passing through customs as we speak, and the UK games are already sailing. The remaining games will set sail very soon. There are no large hindrances on the’s just the administration that is slowing us down. I know you are all longing for your game and I’m checking in with all instances involved several times per day to make sure we are moving forward.

In the meantime, the PDFs for previous Print and play backers is almost done. A separate book with tables (almost 60 pages) has been done to handle everything that the cards normally take care of. The new tiles  PDF and the world map PDF will be finished this week.  The “normal” PDF is being finalized at the same time as well.

Work is also progressing on the expansion and the 2nd printing of the core game.  The pre-launch page is going live really soon! The box art for the core game was revealed in the last newsletter so I figured we would showcase both boxes in this letter.

LoD core game reprint and the False Prophet expansion - coming soon!

I’ve said this before but I think it’s worth repeating. The delivery of the current campaign is my top priority and the reprint campaign and expansion does not in any way slow down the progress of the delivery. This campaign won’t start until the vast majority of games have been delivered.

Stay safe!


Shipping updates and 2nd printing
over 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 04:14:15 AM


It’s been unusually long since I posted an update. I really don't have that much information, but here goes. The last couple of weeks have been quite mentally draining, since things have been moving along much slower than anticipated. It all started with an unexpected bump in the road (these seem to show up uninvited time and again). The share volume and size of the boxes clogged up the packing area to such an extent that the manufacturer realized they would have to be shipped out region by region. This was followed by some hiccups with the container booking and required documentation. So where does that leave us now?

Well, the US bound games have been to sea for about two weeks. The UK games got all the paperwork in order and will depart shortly followed by the EU games that are currently being registered. After that, the smaller hubs will be sent out roughly at the same time. So, things are moving along, albeit slower than expected. Once at port, the games will be taken to the hubs for final kit picking and delivery to you. I will be monitoring every thing that happens and make sure to forward the information as usual.

2nd Print run

There has been quite a buzz around the game lately and there has also been quite a few requests of a 2nd print run of the game. I can now happily confirm that there will be a 2nd printing!  Some existing backers will probably wonder how I can start talking about a reprint without having delivered the first run yet. Rest assured, my top priority is to deliver the games ordered already. The entire process of a crowdfunding is very lengthy however, so things will have to run somewhat in parallels to reduce leadtime. 

I won’t spill too many details regarding the reprint at this point, but I’ll share some of the basics:

When will this happen?

My main focus is to deliver on the promises already made which means that delivery of already printed games is my top priority. Don’t expect the campaign to go live until the vast majority of games have been delivered. However, the pre-launch page will go live pretty soon.

What will it include?

- This print will offer the same pledges as the first run, except new backer created quests and companions.

- There will be a cheap update package for those previous backers who are not satisfied with only the Errata for the first run.

- Last but certainly not least, it will include The False Prophet, which is the expansion that has been rumoured for some time. There will be more information about this in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

Where will the campaign be hosted?

This time the campaign will be hosted on The are several reasons behind this decision.

- Gamefound may not be nearly as large as Kickstarter, but their focus is purely gaming which means it will be a much better match for my product. They can offer me as a one-man company better support and it will also make the campaign more visible.

- The pledge manager is combined with the campaign site which I believe will make some things easier. There’s been quite a lot of confusion during the current campaign where backers don’t quite understand where to add credit cards, and how to check up on their order etc.

- VAT can be handled in a more intuitive way. Some backers were surprised when the VAT was added and I want backers to fully understand cost of the campaign from the beginning.

I have personally backed games both on Gamefound and Kickstarter and I think this will make for an easier campaign.

Last but not least, there is a small (but big) change with upcoming print…

Stay safe!


PDF rulebooks back on sale !
over 1 year ago – Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 06:49:17 AM

Hi everyone,

Several people are asking us to add PDF rulebooks to their orders. As you all know we recently closed pledges on Backerkit because we are almost starting to ship the game and adding stuff to orders was no longer possible for obvious logistic reasons. 

However, as PDF rulebook is not a physical add-on, we decided to let backers add copies to their orders. So, if you wish to add a copy (or several), please comment under this Update, PM me through Facebook (you can find me on the LoD Facebook page under he name Steven Heide) or on Discord (on the LoD Discord server under the name Steven Heide or Ħëiðevølk le Gueux#9055). 

Make sure to:

- already be a backer (initial campaign or late pledge)

- Have backed/bought a physical tier (any pledge that contains physical items)

- have a registered credit card on Backerkit that can be charged (PDF rulebook cost is 15€ + VAT if applicable).

 You will be instantly charged for the PDF.

As stated during the campaign, the PDF rulebook (searchable) does not include the Bestiary. It is not a Print and Play supported version of League of Dungeoneers and is not included in any of the available tiers (more details about this last point can be found here =>

Please, note that this sale might not last permanently and could be stopped at any time. Don't see this as a FOMO call, we just wanted to give people who missed their first chance a second one but since this has to be done manually it's a lot of work behind.

Thanks again for your support, see you soon :)

//Steven Heide